This month we are speaking with Amy Jeffers, owner and founder of Flourish. A training company that focuses on the neurology of equity and inclusion in the work place and our communities.
Phil: I’m excited to discuss your business today because it is such an important topic for our communities. Timber & Rose isn’t just about real estate, like your business, we are about making our communities stronger, safer, and more aware of our neighbors; so it’s great to see you doing something similar in a different way. How did Flourish come about?

Amy: I’m really glad people are paying more attention to Equity & inclusion now. I actually have a Sociology degree in Race and Ethnic Relations and Queer Studies and I thought I would go the Ph.D. route in life but I ended up in corporate America. After spending 11 years in recruiting I was recruited myself to work for a firm focusing on Organizational Development and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the work place. In 2019 I met Paloma Medina who was teaching a course on the Neurology of Equity.
Inclusion and I knew it was a topic I needed to teach in the workplace. As a queer woman in corporate America I saw the gap that is left in most organizations with supporting employees of minority groups. I was able to create and lead diversity and inclusion teams with the organizations I was working with.After a few years at the new firm I decided it was time to start Flourish so I could bring all of my experience and knowledge to a larger number of businesses.
Phil: Understanding bias feels more like a social science, and neurology as more of a medical science. How are the two related in making our communities at work and home have less bias and more inclusion? How do companies benefit?
Amy: We teach people how to understand and identify why they are feeling, thinking, and even acting in a certain way towards others. The first step to creating a healthier home or work environment is identifying that there is a problem within a culture. Most companies that I work with found a problem with retaining and attracting talent, alongside engagement or morale issues, especially with racial and social justice issues in the workforce. I support companies by giving employees and leaders the tools they need to move change forward. The E&I journey is often slow and messy, but there are immediate changes we can make and influence as individuals and organizations. Changes that allow everyone to flourish.
Phil: I took one of the many courses you offer and it was so good I wanted to offer it to our SW Portland community.
Amy: Yes I’m excited to bring my content to the SW PDX neighbors so we can build a stronger community. We are offering a free webinar to anyone who wants to learn about the neurology of bias titled Building a More Inclusive Community. Two dates and times are offered – December 2nd, 6-7pm and December 4th, 11-12pm. Though free, I am setting it up as a fundraiser and donations are appreciated with 50% of proceeds going to support the Equitable Giving Circle (EquitableGivingCircle.org). To RSVP go to TimberandRose.com and click on Events or click here. I hope you will join us!
More Info at Flourish-Training.com