This month we are speaking with Larina Holland, owner of One Little Bunch. This flower delivery service offers affordable weekly bouquet designs so you can brighten someone’s day.
Phil: You are from Australia originally? How did you end up living in Southwest Portland?
Yes I am from Sydney, but my husband is American. He was living in Australia for 10 years. When our kids were four and five years old we moved to Portland to be closer to his family and raise the kids with an American lifestyle.

Phil: How did One Little Bunch come about?
Larina: When we moved to Portland I decided I wanted to start something new that I could do at home while being with the kids. I have always loved fresh cut flowers so I decided to go to the Floral Design Institute. People come from other states to study floral design there and we’re so lucky to have it here in Portland. While studying there I came up with a flower cone design and started One Little Bunch in 2018. Each week I come up with a bouquet design and deliver it on Fridays. They’re $25 each with free delivery.
Phil: What inspired you to go with a cone design over the more traditional ways of designing a bouquet?
Larina: I love the May Day tradition in America, of people putting flowers and candies in a basket and hanging it on someone’s door. We don’t have that in Australia so I wanted to create something that was similar to that tradition but also something unique in presentation. When one orders flowers online there are too many options – add a balloon, a different vase, etc. We offer little hand-written notes but One Little Bunch is about sending a sweet, simple, fresh little bunch of flowers that is easy to order.
Phil: How has the business been affected by the pandemic?
Larina: Deliveries have gone up. I suppose it is because people need to send more love and good thoughts to others. We used to deliver every day, but we are now just doing one bouquet design that goes out on Fridays. For Valentine’s Day we will be delivering Friday, Saturday, and Sunday though.

Phil: Have you been able to support the SW PDX community and how can they support you?
Larina: I have donated to the Robert Grey Auction, Bridlemile and Hayhurst in previous years. During the pandemic I have donated 80 pink wrapped roses to ReJewvenation Women’s Retreat in support of B’nai B’rith Camp. The retreat raised funds to serve the hungry in Lincoln County. If anyone is interested in sending someone a little bunch they can visit my wesite www.onelittlebunch.com and click on the green pre-order button. I really appreciate the support of returning customers so I have created a virtual Bunch Punch card so anyone that orders nine bunches gets the 10th for free. Being a small business owner there are days that are challenging, but really I love the business, I love what I do, and I love delivering flowers. Sending flowers brings people great joy and we all need more of that these days.
One Little Bunch can be found at Onelittlebunch.com- New weekly bouquet designs can be seen via the newsletter.