Is It Safe To Sell Your Home Now That We Are Re-Opening?
First, If you need to sell your home for reasons such as relocating for a job, needing more or less space, or facing financial challenges, you shouldn’t let the coronavirus stop you. If you don’t need to move immediately, then talking with us about the timing of the market might be the right option for you. Until we are completely through with reopening our state, there will be continued caution in our industry.
In-person home showings are still happening, but we are very aware of every homeowner’s needs and comfort level, and based on that, we’re setting up very strict showing guidelines. For example, the number of guests allowed to tour a property at once is limited to only those pre-approved, and we space showings out every 30-60 minutes depending on interest. We open all doors and closets so no one needs to touch anything, and we require all visitors to wash/sanitize their hands, wear a face mask and shoe covers before entering. Video and virtual tours are also something Timber and Rose utilizes often for any buyers not wanting to see a property in person, and for sellers wanting to limit the number of people in their home.
Because of the liability of people’s health, the potential for decreased exposure of the property, and the fluidity of our economic situation, pricing correctly and selling for the most money has required much more work. Now may not be the best time to try and sell your home on your own without a broker. We have even seen a large number of professional brokers struggle to adopt the necessary technology, techniques, and market understanding to keep homes from needing price drops or just sitting. Who you choose as a broker matters more now than ever. When interviewing brokers, ask them how they have adapted to the times and how they will ensure a successful sale of your home.
For more on the Coronavirus’ impact on the housing market and buyer behavior please contact us. We would be happy to discuss your individual needs as well. You can contact Phil Evans at 971-221-3821 or